Product Details
Mercury HP920C-S 0.8PF, Online UPS 2KVA/1.6KW 1/1phase, 1x IEC320-C20 Input Socket 4 x IEC320-C13 output sockets, 4 x IEC320-C14 output cable, 96VDC (8x7AH/12V Battery), RS232 & USB Communication
Mercury HP920C-S 0.8PF, Online UPS 2KVA/1.6KW 1/1phase, 1x IEC320-C20 Input Socket 4 x IEC320-C13 output sockets, 4 x IEC320-C14 output cable, 96VDC (8x7AH/12V Battery), RS232 & USB Communication
Attribute | Value |
Product Details
Capacity: 1600W / 2KVA
Phase: Single
Technology: Online double conversion and
high frequency technology
Completely digital microprocessor
Broad range of input voltage: 115VAC(±5)
to 295VAC(±5) for loads less than 70% LCD
UPS without a battery at starting
Cold start
Advanced battery management
UPS off-mode automatic battery charging
Protection against lightning and surges
Protection against overload and short
Auto-control fan speed when loads change
Protection against network/fax/modem
Extension battery pack optional
Display of battery voltage
Display of load capacity
EMF/RFI noise reduction
Intelligent RS232 connection with
software for monitoring
SNMP Card slot EPO function option
Alarm function reversed by input L and N
Batteries: 3 X 12V/7AH
Perfect uses for: servers, small
networks, and other IT hardware
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